
whatever I could think of

Aug 4, 2008

Pillows and Blankets for Sell in the Sky

An excerpt from the New York Times
"JetBlue Airways said Monday that it would sell a pillow and blanket set for $7 on flights of two hours or more. The set, which passengers can take home, includes a 10-by-12 inch pillow and a fleece blanket, which fit into a carrying case."

And now you won't believe what airline would charge you next.... Fortunately, international flights still do offer that. However, last time I got checked at the immigration at the New York's JFK, lots of travelers carried their own pillows.

Aug 3, 2008

Be Prepared for Beijing Culture

Interesting tips from BBC News (please read full tips here)

# Chi fan le ma? [Translation: Have you eaten?]
Learn some Chinese. Just a bit. Locals absolutely love it the moment you speak Chinese. 
# Be prepared: you will be used for English practice
Beijing locals love outsiders. Not just foreigners - but people from other parts of China too. 
# Small-talk can be blunt
In China be prepared to be asked how old you are, if you are married and if you have kids. 
# Stop! Look both ways!
In China a zebra crossing does not necessarily mean cars will stop for you. 
# Smile, smile...
Smiling police officers make your day,
# No to Xiaojie
One word you should not use in a Beijing restaurant to get the attention of a waitress is xiaojie - which means Miss. 
# Seek what unites
# When in Beijing prepare to get renao [Translation - hot and noisy]
Go to a karaoke bar in Beijing and you will find people singing, clapping, a lot of noise and people enjoying themselves. 

Image source: AP
Story source: BBC News (31 Jul 08)

Aug 2, 2008

Be Fit Without Even Trying, Will It Be Possible?

Researchers reported in Cell about two drugs that increased endurance of couch potato mice. "It's a little bit like a free lunch without the calories," said Dr. Evans, leader of the researcher group.

Drugs, Aicar and GW1516, showed ability to increase endurance of mice on a treadmill by 44%-75% with/without combination with exercise - compared to without treatment. Results are possibly applied to human (because of similar genes controlling muscle tone). Therefore, they have potential to help people who are too frail to exercise and those with health problems such as diabetes.

Story source: New York Times
Image source: New York Times

Aug 1, 2008

First Ever Loss of Starbucks

The largest coffee restaurant chain reported its first "ever" quarterly loss (net loss of $6.7 million) as a public company. Recently, it reported a plan of closing 600 stores in the U.S.

The chain, Starbucks, has been a big, big player and leader in coffee world. What is happening? Economy + over expansion + competitors? Economy is on a slower pace for nearly every business categories, mostly automobile, retail and others. Starbucks also has been over expanded with several branches not being able to support themselves. New competitors with cheaper coffee such as McDonald's or Dunkin' Donut are sharing the (coffee) cake.

Detail news here

Jul 31, 2008

Sappehera is Back!

Dear friends:

After a long while, I am bringing this blog back to life - while closing a website based on You will notice a big difference here at Sappehera, new look and new feature. On your right is my public Picasa Web Albums - you're invited to view, comment, download or print any of my pictures as you wish. The contents in this blog will be the same, anything I could think of. If you like it, please pass the words to your friends. Thanks! //Keng (Rathachai)